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Since the beginning of my photographic career, it has always been my aim to work on a subject less explored. To keep on that track, I had to break and make my style quite often, thus finding newer ways to look at life.

Life has always been my favorite subject and I had tried to find it in all possible aspects of human nature. Exploring the various manifestations of human emotions through the lens is quite awesome. While pursuing this, I meet happiness, grief, anger, astonishment, joy and sorrow; and every time life surprises me.

During the last winter, I went on in search of different facets of enjoyment; and what better palette could offer me so many colours but Picnic. I spent a whole day on a picnic spot of my state and waded through expressions galore. People’s way of enjoying a day out with their peers and family members, forgetting almost everything else was outrageously vibrant and full of life. It felt as if everyone has gotten back to their childhood days of zero responsibility and care. The kids, unlike other days, played in the open with no one controlling them, the youngsters were given the freedom to unleash themselves in the presence of their families, without any curbs on their having fun, while the elderly people enjoyed the day in indulgence. The women, who otherwise stay in houses, bound in social norms and rules, got to be themselves.

As I took a few rounds of the spot, I tried to capture the moods and depict the feel of the day through these frames. As I was pressing the shutter, the wintry wind and the sunny sky whispered into my ears, “live life to express, not to impress”.

The celebration of happiness beyond binding was infectious and quite got me. I have to go back to it again; maybe different places, maybe different faces...


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